Denny International Middle School

Denny International
Middle School
Student Family Portal

Student Support Services

Denny Student Support Services

School Counselors

Design and implement Comprehensive School Counseling Program, supporting students in the 3 domains of Social Emotional Learning, Career & College Readiness, Academic support, short term counseling, drop in 1:1 check ins, small groups, classroom presentations, Tier I Social Emotional Learning support, Crisis Response.

Noelle Tyau – 6th Grade –
Sarah Wright – 7th Grade –
Danielle Blechert – 8th Grade –

School Social Worker

Social workers provide any mental health support to students. Crisis intervention work for students and families​ as well as resources support which includes food, rent, utilities, shelter, etc. They also provide risk assessments and create safety plans based on the assessment. MKV (McKinney Vento Liaison)​. Provide social-emotional support.

City Year

City year is an Americorps-funded youth development program. Its mission is to support students’ socio-emotional and academic growth through near-peer mentorship. We provide whole school support through morning greetings, after school dismissal, engaging and monitoring students during lunch. We also provide SEL and academic support in classrooms done through focus group intervention for select students.

Charlie Capiti
City Year Supervisor Denny MS

School Psychologist

Responsible for Student Individual Education Plans also known as an IEP, and include cognitive, social emotional, adaptive, achievement, transition, and executive functioning assessments. If possible, students lead a feedback meeting about their evaluation. Consult around which students need 504s and also complete initial assessments for special education.

Vaughan Amare
Sandra Riano

Restorative Justice Coordinator

Our Restorative Practice Coordinators work in partnership with the students, teachers, staff, and administrators of Denny International Middle School to evaluate school climate and culture; facilitate the development and implementation of school-wide Restorative Practices; train and support staff in the use of restorative, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed practices for the classroom; support administrators in the implementation of restorative discipline practices; and evaluate student data outcomes using multi-tiered systems of support.

Students, staff, and family can use the referral link below to schedule a Restorative Circle, Community Circle, or general support. Circles provide an opportunity for community members–students, staff, and families–to come together and explore any harm done and address needs, increase engagement, build community and motivate future changes.

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson

Michael Anderson

Student and Family Support Services

Sound Mental Health’s Middle School Support Program and Communities In Schools of Seattle offers an integrated approach to addressing the complex needs of students struggling with academic and behavioral health problems, with the goal of reducing truancy and suspensions and supporting and improving academic performance. The goals are to improve behavioral health, including school behavior patterns of students with complex needs that require support from multiple service systems, facilitate collaboration within both the schools and behavioral/mental health community to assure consistency in response to behavioral concerns and integration of effective behavioral management strategies into the Student Learning Plan, and to deliver services that enhance and compliment Seattle Public School’s Student Learning Plan and other academic improvement initiatives.