Denny International Middle School

Denny International
Middle School


Denny International Library

student drawn image of a dolphin holding a book

My goal as Denny’s librarian is to create a joyful and dynamic environment that fosters scholars’ love of reading and provides them with the tools they need for effective research.

Involvement Opportunities

There are many opportunities for our community to get involved in the Denny library.

  • We accept book, game, and puzzle donations
  • There are always opportunities to help with clerical activities!

Please contact Ms. Risi if you are interested in volunteering, donating books or other materials, or have any questions.

To see what books we have, you can access the Denny Library collection via Destiny. If you want to book on hold, login using your school username and password. Ms. Risi will send you an email when your book is ready!

Is there a book you want that we don’t have? Submit a request to Ms. Risi.

All students have access to the Seattle Public Library digital catalog through a program called Library Link, which gives each student their own library card. To access these titles, navigate to Libby. Then, follow the directions below to login.

  1. When asked, “Do you have a library card?” click yes.
  2. Search for and select the Seattle Public Library.
  3. Click “Sign in with my card.”
  4. Your card number is 990000 followed by your Student ID number, which can be found on the Source (NOT your State ID number). For example, a student with students ID # 1234567 would have the card number 9900001234567.
  5. Your pin is the MMDD in numbers of your birthday. For example, a student born on January 25, would have the pin 0125.

School News

Graphic of a paper form

Registration Night

Information on Denny\’s registration night event.

graphic newsletter

Principal Ingraham’s Weekly Newsletter

Principal Ingraham’s Weekly Newsletter This year we are using Smore, an online newsletter, to deliver weekly news to Denny students, families, and community.

Spring OST Registration – Opens February 10 at 6:00am

Spring OST Registration Information