Denny International Middle School

Denny International
Middle School

Personal Electronics Policy

Denny International Personal Electronics Policy

Dear Denny Students and Families,

At Denny International Middle School, our primary focus is that students are in a positive and safe learning environment so that they may develop the skills needed to be college and career ready.

Like you, we share your concerns that cell phones, and other personal electronic devices, can be both distracting and a safety concern. To support a safe environment and high academic standards, we are updating our successful personal electronics policy so that students can focus on their attendance, behavior, and coursework.

Our new personal electronics policy is: All students must have cell phones, air buds, air pods, headphones, smart watches, tablets, etc. powered off and out of sight as soon as a student enters the classroom.

There will be a reminder to the whole class that personal electronics devices should be powered off and put away.

If out, seen, or heard after this warning, during the same period, then the consequence will be as follows:

1st incident:

  • The phone or device will be safely secured by the classroom teacher.
  • The teacher contacts the student’s home via email, Talking Points, or phone call to inform of the incident.
  • The student can pick up their phone from their teacher at the end of the period.

2nd incident:

  • If a teacher has taken a student’s phone twice in one week, the phone will be given to the student’s Grade Level Administrator. It will then be delivered to a lockbox in the main office. The administrator will contact the student’s family.

3rd incident:

  • Administrator holds the phone for the day. Student will deliver the phone to the main office the next day to be placed in secure lockbox. Student can pick up phone at the end of the day.

4th incident:

  • The family will need to make a cell phone contract with administration.

Please note, Denny International Middle School is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen devices. Thus, the best way to keep technology safe is to keep it in their pocket, backpack, or at home. In addition, we are not staffed to conduct investigations into lost or missing devices.

Our goal is to create a safe environment that is conducive to learning and free of distractions to support the learning process. Please let us know if you have any questions and/or concerns. We have included answers to commonly asked questions below.

Thank you,

Denny International Middle School Administration Team

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

If your scholar is leaving early, call the main office 206-252-9000 to receive the student. Texting or calling the student to leave is a safety issue as we need to know where the scholar is.

If you need to get ahold of your student, call the main office 206-252-9000 to deliver a message or request the office to call the student down to the main office to call you back.

We strongly suggest contacting the office first for emergencies. Texting or calling your scholar with a sensitive message may cause a safety concern as it can leave a student dysregulated and/or without the support of an appropriate staff member. We can have the student report to the office where they can be assisted and connected with their family.

Avoid text messaging your scholar for non-emergencies during school hours as it encourages cellphone use in the classroom. They will be able to contact you from their cell phone at lunch.

Remind your scholar that if they need to reach family during school hours, they may ask their classroom teacher or go to the office to use the school phone.

There are students who do not want to be photographed or filmed. Please respect their wishes. We do not encourage photos or videos during school hours, including outside play or lunch time.

Cell Phones are NOT permitted in the restrooms at any time. Discuss with your student that phones being used to film or take pictures in bathroom is a privacy concern and can lead to serious consequences if they take an image of student using the facilities.

We recognize that some students may need certain devices due to a 504 or IEP accommodation. Staff will work with the student and family to ensure technology is used for appropriate purposes. Students also have district devices for academic supports.